As you might have guessed, snap-on veneers are the more casual and comfortable form of traditional veneers. Alternatively porcelain veneers, they cannot be removed by the patient. Snap-on veneers accomplish much the same thing as porcelain veneers, except they can be
snapped into place in the mouth, and removed when necessary.
Snap-ons fit right over your existing teeth, and will hide any damaged or discolored teeth. You'll be able to eat and drink with snap-ons in place, but can remove them later for cleaning and sleeping. Keep in mind that if you have porcelain veneers installed, it's an irreversible process. That's because a certain amount of tooth enamel must be removed before installing the veneers. If you were to decide later that you don't like the veneers, you'd be left with exposed
tooth enamel to deal with indefinitely.